At Moorhill Primary School we believe that good attendance is key to children achieving their full potential. We know that when children are in school they make good progress and ultimately achieve highly.

We appreciate that all family circumstances can sometimes be difficult, however children need to be in school as much as possible, and we thank our parents and carers for their continued support in aiming for our 96% and above attendance target.

Attendance is closely monitored by the Local Authority and Ofsted. To this end, the school must collect and report details of authorised and unauthorised absences by law.


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Top Attendance

Top attendance is celebrated at Moorhill Primary School. We display class attendances on our noticeboards around school, which promotes a team effort for attending school.

We also awarded individuals with 96% attendance or above at the end of every term, with the aim to reach the platinum award by the end of summer term for having attained every half term award throughout the year.

100% Attendance

Every year many children are pleased to receive their special certificates for reaching 96%+ attendance every half term, thus earning them their platinum award at the end of the year.

We also have children who have achieved 100% attendance across the whole year! We feel this is a fantastic achievement and the children receive a voucher along with their certificate at the end of the academic year as a thank you for their commitment to their education.


Mrs Andrews, our Inclusion Manager, works with parents to improve attendance; if you need any support with this, you are welcome to make an appointment via the school office.

Due to recent legislation, we are not able to authorise any holidays during term time. As a school, we are obliged to inform you that you may be subject to a Penalty Notice if your child’s absence from school is unauthorised. This is in line with the Local Authority’s Code of Conduct.

Penalty Notice

The Penalty Notice fine would be:

  • £60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days
  • £120 per parent, per child if paid between 21-28 days

If the fine is not paid within 28 days you may be prosecuted under S444.1 of the Education Act 1996. If the prosecution takes place, the maximum fine is £1,000 per parent, per child. This reflects the seriousness of unauthorised absence from school.

School Closures

Parents are informed about Inset Days and Polling Days via this website, Class Dojo school stories, Newsletters and Texts.

To find out more about our closures, please visit the School Closures page.

School Closures